Every Superhero Movie This Decade Ranked - Worst To Best
22. Split (2016)
Split is an especially interesting entry into this list, both because it's actually about the origins of a supervillain, and more to the point, it's a superhero movie that doesn't really reveal itself as a superhero movie until the final scene.
With the benefit of hindsight, we know that M. Night Shyamalan's dazzling return to form is a secret sequel to his 2000 superhero film Unbreakable, but at the time of Split's release, it was largely assumed to be a standalone psychological thriller.
Watching the movie again is therefore a rather intriguing experience, for while it largely still functions as a straight-up genre film, it's just so rare to see a superpowered character explored in such depth without the demand for big-budget set-pieces.
James McAvoy gives an awards-worthy, multi-faceted performance as Kevin Wendell Crumb aka The Horde, Anya Taylor-Joy is terrific as female lead Casey, and of course, that shocking big reveal is just the icing on one deliciously demented cake. Bring on next year's sequel, Glass.