Every Superhero Movie This Decade Ranked - Worst To Best
10. X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014)
Bryan Singer's long-awaited return to the X-Men franchise is an extremely pivotal entry into the panthon of superhero cinema, if only because it's the first to posit the notion of using time travel to retcon unsavoury elements from previous movies (something other franchises, such as Terminator, have since adopted).
Days of Future Past brought the younger First Class X-Men colliding with their older mainline equivalents, while Wolverine basically served as the bridging vessel. With Hugh Jackman delivering his most grizzled Wolverine performance up to that point, accompanied by a smart, poignant script and plenty of astute time travel-related gags, this was just the tonic X-Men fans sorely needed.
And of course, how can you not love Quicksilver in this movie? Considering how much pre-release flak the character caught, it's nothing short of miraculous he turned out as awesome as he did.