Every Superhero Movie This Decade Ranked - Worst To Best
4. The Lego Movie (2014)
Before you ask, yes: The Lego Movie is indeed a superhero movie. It not only features Lego Batman in a prominent role, but the Master Builders themselves are effectively superheroes, and the film largely serves as an origin story for Emmet (Chris Pratt), who eventually joins their ranks as a Master Builder.
Despite healthy pre-release scepticism about the movie being nothing more than a crass commercial exercise, The Lego Movie ended up being both a loving tribute to the joy of play and a wonderfully off-the-wall animated romp in its own right.
Phil Lord and Chris Miller's hilarious script combines with visually stunning animation and terrific vocal performances to make this a wonderful celebration of individuality and, in its unexpected live-action finale, surprisingly heartfelt too.