Every Superhero Movie This Decade Ranked - Worst To Best
46. Suicide Squad (2016)
On paper, it's easy to see why Warner Bros. threw $175 million at director David Ayer (Fury) and rushed Suicide Squad into production. There was little chance a movie this stylish and star-studded would fail, and though it wasn't received well by fans and critics alike, it ended up grossing almost $750 million worldwide.
Despite solid visuals and a compelling cast, Suicide Squad is yet another casualty of Warner Bros.' fetish for executive meddling, with Ayer's original movie being re-cut numerous times into the rushed, breathless feature-length trailer we ended up with.
From the excessive use of teen-pandering pop music, to Cara Delevingne's Razzie-worthy performance and the totally underwhelming action sequences, Suicide Squad failed to make good on its supervillain group dynamic, delivering instead another depressing gut-punch to DC fans.