Every Tom Cruise Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

33. Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)

Tom Cruise Interview With The Vampire
Paramount Pictures

If there's anything the Mission Impossible franchise could have forever lived without, it would have to be the involvement of the legendary John Woo, who was brought in to helm Mission: Impossible 2 with explosive, thoroughly over-the-top results.

Whilst the first film put emphasis on Cruise's Ethan Hunt being an ingenious spy working with surgical precision, Woo's sequel turns him into a standard action hero, lost in a sea of unnecessary slo-mos and forgettable villains.

Sure, it's a bombastic slice of fun, but as a Mission Impossible joint it's memorable only for all the things it gets wrong, and for being Cruise's least interesting version of his most famous character.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other