Every Tom Cruise Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

14. The Last Samurai (2003)

Tom Cruise Interview With The Vampire
Warner Bros.

Though some won't be taken to its clear "white saviour" story, The Last Samurai is nonetheless a gorgeously made war epic that captures the beauty, turmoil and high stakes of its narrative without fault.

Cruise stars as an American military advisor who's sent to help destroy the Samurai in Japan, but ends up finding peace of mind and purpose in their lifestyle.

Bringing a steely intensity and cynicism to the role, Cruise is certainly overshadowed by the career-best work of co-star Ken Watanabe, but between the film's sweeping battle sequences, beautiful cinematography and complex, spiritual tone, The Last Samurai still deserves to be seen as one of his best projects.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other