Every Tom Cruise Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

38. Cocktail (1988)

Tom Cruise Interview With The Vampire
Buena Vista

At its core, Cocktail is a film that single-handedly captures the 80s movie scene, and for many that makes it a great film and a cult classic that perfectly encapsulates an entire decade of moviemaking.

Though vibrant, relentlessly energetic and boasting a killer soundtrack, the film's shallow and unengaging story, which follows an aspiring businessman who becomes a bartender when times get tough, finds Cruise at his most off-putting and jarringly miscast.

Rather than finding the level of charm that made many of his other 80s romps so affecting, Cruise is left stranded in Roger Donaldson's muddled dramedy, and unable to save the film from its biggest fumbles.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other