Every Twist In The Saw Franchise - Ranked From Worst To Best

4. The Mother & Son Aren't Easton's Family, Hoffman Gets Tested (Saw VI)

Saw 3

Saw VI remains the last truly good Saw movie, hinging itself less on shocking plot twists and suffocating backstory, focused instead on a scathing takedown of America's predatory healthcare industry.

The film's twists are far from the most surprising or insane of the series, but they're executed with panache and make sense without forcing the audience to jump through logical hoops.

For most of the movie audiences are led to believe that Tara (Shauna MacDonald) and her teenage son Brent (Devon Bostick) are the wife and son of health insurance executive William Easton (Peter Outerbridge).

However, the ending confirms that they're actually the family of a deceased man Easton refused for medical coverage.

When Easton makes it to the end of his game, Brent vengefully throws a switch which pumps him with hydrofluoric acid, spilling his guts all over the floor in one of the series' more outrageous death scenes.

The other twist is that Kramer's dying wish was for Jill to test Hoffman's worthiness to take up the Jigsaw mantle. And so, she puts him in a reverse bear trap and leaves him for dead.

However, Hoffman ingeniously uses a nearby wall grate to disable the bear trap's hinge mechanism, allowing him to escape albeit with a giant chunk of flesh being torn from his cheek.

There's no real stunning mic drop moment here, but the twists are still some of the most dramatically water-tight of the entire series, while setting things in motion for the "final" chapter.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.