Every Upcoming Disney Live-Action Remake - Ranked By Hype

10. Lady And The Tramp

Lady And The Tramp

Lady and the Tramp may not be a marquee Disney movie, but it does feature one of the most undeniably iconic and pervasively-parodied visuals of their entire back catalogue: two dogs sharing a plate of spaghetti, ending in a smooch.

The remake, which will reportedly be (somehow) using live-action dogs, is directed by Charlie Bean (The Lego Ninjago Movie) and, in another bizarre personnel choice, has been written by indie darling Andrew Bujalski (Computer Chess, Support the Girls).

Tessa Thompson and Justin Theroux will voice the respective titular canines, while Ashley Jensen, Benedict Wong, Sam Elliott, Janelle Monae will fill out the supporting dog cast, and Kiersey Clemons and Thomas Mann will play the human leads.

Were it not for the incredible talent roped into this project - especially Bujalski, who should bring a unique sensibility to the table - it'd be easy to dismiss this as a cheap, straight-to-streaming cash-in, but you know what? It could actually be something special indeed.

Bujalski should ensure it's more than just a dispassionate retread of the 1955 original, hopefully reinventing it for 2019 with a thick layer of satire.

We're not quite convinced the dogs will be fully live-action, though: that sounds ridiculous. Expect some digital trickery somewhere, and hopefully it doesn't look ugly.

Lady and the Tramp is expected to release on Disney+ in late 2019.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.