Every Upcoming Disney Movie - Ranked

16. Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel Comic Cover

Release Date: 8th March, 2019

Status: Directors in place. Lead cast.

FINALLY, Marvel are making a stand-alone female-led solo movie (okay, The Wasp shares top billing with Ant-Man but it's not the same), after years of quietly ignoring the fact that people would absolutely see them. Ludicrously, we've not seen a Black Widow movie for that very reason.

Captain Marvel is likely to be one of the new breed of Marvel movies that will herald the start of Phase 4 (or whatever replaces it) - even though it's coming before Avengers 4. Brie Larson is great casting - and she's likely to debut in infinity War, so this won't be the first we've seen of her either.

15. Black Panther

Black Panther

Release Date: February 16th, 2018

Status: In the can.

After Deadpool and The LEGO Batman Movie proved that February isn't always a graveyard for movies, Marvel are making a play for the early year millions with the release of Black Panther's solo debut. Smartly, they're doing so in Black History Month.

T'Challa made his explosive debut in Captain America: Civil War to major fanfare, and the glimpse we got there built a lot of hype for his stand-alone return. There's also a promise of lots of stuff to balance in there for director Ryan Coogler, who has political insurrection, a new leader and the added issue of Bucky all to deal with.

Let's hope for another MCU standard of quality.

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