Every Upcoming Disney Movie - Ranked

14. The Lion King

The Lion King Scar

Release Date: 19th July, 2019

Status: Pre-production.

The idea of remaking The Lion King wasn't always a good one. The classic animation was arguably too good to even be considered, and before The Jungle Book came out, the idea of fully rendered realistic animal characters might have been a hard sell

But now that Jon Favreau is in the director's chair and no doubt using the same technology that made The Jungle Book so great, it's a much better prospect. And add to that the excellent cast, which includes Donald Glover, James Earl-Jones, Seth Rogen and Billy Eichner and it's even more exciting again. Now all that remains is casting a good Scar.

13. Frozen 2

Frozen Elsa Ana

Release Date: 27th November, 2019

Status: Pre-production (but no doubt on a fast-track).

It's incredible that it's set to take 6 years for a Frozen sequel to come out after the original, considering how much that film took over the world. Since 2013, Disney have sold bucketloads of merch (even rivalling Cars and Spider-Man as the biggest sellers), and have already released one holiday special.

And now, the sequel is coming, after being announced in 2015, and while there's no hints of the story just yet, we do know that Idina Menzel, Kristin Bell and Josh Gad are all back, and a little bird says Olaf will be getting a girlfriend.

Imagine the almighty pressure of having to write the next "Let It Go"...

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