Every Upcoming Disney Movie - Ranked

12. The Incredibles 2

The Incredibles 2

Release Date: June 15th, 2018

Status: Voices recorded.

14 LONG years after The Incredibles' climax saw the arrival of a ready-made villain in the shape of the Underminer, we're finally getting to see one of Pixar's most wanted follow-ups, without him, presumably.

Specific details on the plot are being kept tightly under wraps, but we do know that Brad Bird wants to focus not on the superhero element, but on the family dynamic, as he did in the original. We also know that at least Samuel L Jakson and Helen Hunt are back, and it's unlikely the others will have been left out.

Expect more nostalgia and more of an opportunity to comment on the current state of the superhero movie genre.

11. Han Solo

Star Wars Han Solo Movie

Release Date: 25th May, 2018

Status: Filming.

There's always going to be a threat of Han Solo's magic being demystified by a stand-alone prequel, but we can at least take solace in the fact that Disney aren't going to mess with the formula too much. Which seemed to be a pretty pertinent threat when there were rumours of Han Solo not being his real name.

Nobody actually wants to actually see him do the Kessel Run, but the idea of him, Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian in a steampunk space Western is still very exciting. And the success of Rogue One should fill us all with confidence that the Anthology movies can exist without messing with the sources they're spinning off from.

It obviously helps that the cast is excellent, and that the story could basically be a space-set Indiana Jones with a criminal edge, and the chance of it pulling in another billion haul is pretty massive.

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