Every Upcoming Disney Movie - Ranked

10. Avengers 4

Avengers 4 Spidey
Marvel Studios

Release Date: 3rd May, 2019


Initially, it seemed that the fourth Avengers movie was going to be the second part of the Infinity War saga, but the subsequent change of title and shooting schedule suggests that's no longer the case. Sure, it might still be focused on the same story - or at least the aftermath - but we're all being primed to expect it to be very different.

It's hard not to think that the Avengers and the Guardians Of The Galaxy will start this movie in bad shape after the war with Thanos - even if Marvel are notoriously reluctant to kill too many characters. So we can reasonably expect lots of escalated drama, stakes to rival the other Avengers movies and further villains to either replace or compliment Thanos. Let's hope the rumours of Red Skull's return aren't exaggerated.

Right now, there are lots of possibilities for what the real title could be, but the thing to focus on most is the promise from Kevin Feige that the sequel will be significantly different to Infinity War and will mark a whole new approach to the MCU after Phase 3. So maybe Avengers: Disassembled is the best idea?

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