Every Upcoming Disney Movie - Ranked
36. Maleficent 2
Release Date: TBC
Status: Scripting.
After the first Sleeping Beauty spin-off starring Angelina Jolie made Disney $758m despite middling critical reviews, it seemed inevitable that a sequel would be spirited into production. It took until the early Summer of 2016 for that to become concrete news, with Jolie confirmed to be back.
Screenwriter Linda Woolverton is writing, and it's likely to be a mostly new story after the end of Maleficent turned the iconic villain good once more. Beyond that, speculation has all gone a little quiet while the story is mapped out.
35. Cruella
Possible Release Date: 9th August, 2019
Status: Scripting.
As well as doing a new Maleficent story, Disney are also looking at a similar approach for iconic 101 Dalmatians villainess Cruella De Vil, and excitingly Emma Stone was linked heavily with the central role. It's set to be an origin story once more (which is all getting a little cliched), and there's certainly some interest in finding out what twisted her to evil.
It's only really so under-hyped so far because so little is known, but that Stone casting is great news and it will be fun to see her going fully evil.