EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

4. Logan

X Men Ranking
20th Century Fox

The heartwrenching story between Logan, X-23, and Charles leads to one of the greatest semi-western road trip adventures ever told. However, the immersion of a realistic and grounded approach to mutant life in the far off future is eviscerated by a terribly de-aged CGI Logan clone.

What on Earth was the studio thinking? So much for subtle storytelling, instead of Logan coming to terms with his violent past in any meaningful way, he literally has to fight his former self.

The first two-thirds of this movie are incredible, the mystery behind the disappearance of the X-Men mixed with the growing threat of Xavier's mental condition is brilliant. Each and every actor gives a phenomenal performance including Dafne Keen as X-23 despite being a new face among seasoned veteran actors.

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