EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

5. Deadpool

X Men Ranking
20th Century Fox

Ryan Reynolds managed to pull off the single greatest redemption arc in Hollywood history.

Despite portraying Deadpool in the worst X-Men movie imagined, Reynolds would go on to push Fox for a stand-alone movie with director Tim Miller. Fans fell in love with the concept after "leaked" test footage of the opening car chase made its way onto the internet.

Reynolds absolutely nails the personality and the feel of the character on the head in a surprisingly romantic and action-packed love story. With plenty of winks and jabs to the main X-Men franchise, Deadpool understood what fans loved and hated about its predecessors.

Even the film's marketing campaign was a delight to some of the more skeptical fans among us.

The plot never attempts to get over complicated and strips the story back to a tale of love, revenge, and acceptance.

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