EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

2. X2

X Men Ranking
20th Century Studios

This may be the most controversial placement on this list.

X2 does everything that a good sequel should do when building upon the previous entry. Both Wolverine and Rogue's plots are expanded upon and developed in a very organic way with both of their stories paralleling one another.

The two revisit painful moments from their past, Wolverine with searching for Alkali lake and Rogue journeying with Iceman to confront his parents. This is important as Rogue ran away from her family but is willing to help Iceman embrace his.

X2 also sees the addition of countless X-Men ranging from blink and you'll miss them cameos like Colossus and Kitty Pryde to major inclusions such as Nightcrawler. Lady Deathstrike, an often underrated villain, makes her first and only live-action appearance during this film and represents what Wolverine could have become, rather than an outright clone of himself.

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