EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

1. X-Men: Evolution

X Men Ranking

Top billing has to go to X-Men: Evolution, the single greatest piece of mutant media to grace our television screens.

Evolution had so many fantastic storylines that often transcended the generic children's television messages of the time. The show was not afraid to tackle the complicated issues the comics were known for and chose to frame those topics from the perspective of highschoolers.

To top it off the final season had the most amazing portrayal of the Apocalypse saga. So many great character moments originated from this including Nightcrawler and Rogue's relationship with Mystique, Spike's battle against racism and mutant prejudices, and Cyclops coming to terms with the loss of his parents and finding his brother.

X-Men: Evolution also saw the very first appearance of X-23 who has gone on to become one of the most popular characters in the entire franchise. Similar to how Batman: The Animated Series invented Harley Quinn, without Evolution there would be no Logan.

Canceled before its time, the final moments show Charles Xavier glimpsing into the future and teasing multiple exciting possibilities. Gone before its time, X-Men: Evolution remains the best X-Men piece of on-screen media to date.

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