Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

16. The Horsemen

X Men Apocalypse 82
20th Century Fox

Appeared In: X-Men: Apocalypse

The writers of Apocalypse would probably be way happier if the three horsemen of the apocalypse who aren't Magneto could qualify as individual characters in this ranking, but the reality is that they're simply not developed properly and are best considered a single unit.

Storm ends up being the most developed, but that's something of a cheat, because she defected to the X-Men and turned up in Dark Phoenix. Then there was Angel, an almost mute, grumpy jock who looks like a Starlight Express dancer and lacks any sort of real substance.

Psylocke is a little better, but the very fact that she simply dropped off the face of the Earth at the end of the movie suggests everything you need to know about how great she was. And her overly-sexualised costume was just a bit unnecessary when no other costumes were like that, frankly. It's not like it matched her character in any tangible way.

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