Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

10. Donald Pierce

Logan Boyd Holbrook Donald Pierce

Appeared In: Logan

With a little more to do, Donald Pierce probably could have been an even better part of Logan, but it's not really his story and he's probably in it as much as he's due. Even without lots of screen-time though, he's good, even if he is somewhat strangely limited by his refusal to allow anyone to shoot and kill the mutant children who he's attempting to kill to cover his part in letting them escape.

He's a typical introductory villain, who is replaced when X-24 turns up, but Boyd Holbrook does well to make him the kind of loquacious Southern rascal an entertaining part of the film. Crucially, because he's the epitome of Logan's fear of being stalked and an embodiment of how much we're supposed to feel like he's trapped, Pierce and his dumbass Reavers turn up magically as if omnipotent. Almost like horror movie monsters or the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

He also proves himself to be thoroughly nasty when he tortures Caliban and while he doesn't get to fight much, it's knowing how awful he is that sells his impact.

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