Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

11. The Silver Samurai

The Wolverine Silver Samurai

Appeared In: The Wolverine

Perhaps it's a little silly putting a giant metal samurai robot in this high, but it should be more of a reflection on the OTHER villains in this universe rather than a suggestion that Ichiro Yashida is a top tier bad guy. Having said that, he's one of the coolest looking villains and his betrayal of Wolverine is one of the spiciest twists in the series too.

Having been saved by Logan in World War II, Ichiro develops a fascination with mutants, but ultimately, it's less out of affection and more out of a desperate need to use them to prolong his own life. When it boils down to it, his mortal fears are what drives him, rather than anything more worldly concerns, which makes him a different type of villain entirely.

And when it boils down to it, it's very hard not to be impressed by a giant adamantium robot with a samurai sword who manages to chop Wolverine's claws clean off.

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