Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

6. The Sentinels

Xmen Days Of Future Past Sentinels
20th Century Fox

Appeared In: X-Men: Days Of Future Past

While the discovery of the X-Gene was undoubtedly Trask's greatest addition to the scientific world, it was his work with the Sentinels that really set him apart as an inventor and a creator of monsters. The original design was great in terms of matching comic book fans' expectations, but the future timeline bloodhounds working to hunt the X-Men are a step up again.

They're the ultimate expression of Stryker's Weapon XI programme, combining the powers of vanquished mutants and while their design is a little odd, there's no denying the impact. It makes them a little like murder ghosts.

Elsewhere in the franchise, the Sentinels had only ever been introduced as training dummies, but this made them living, terrifying terminators, almost in line with the T-1000 in their relentless pursuit of mutants. And they were basically invulnerable once they learned to adapt powers, so it was never a matter of simply defeating them - they had to be wiped out of the timeline entirely.

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