Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

7. Bolivar Trask

X-Men Days of Future Past Bolivar Trask.jpg

Appeared In: X-Men: Days Of Future Past

The homo sapiens with both a fascination in and a fear of mutants are often the most dangerous in the X-Men franchise and Bolivar Trask is on another level when it comes to efficiency thanks to his research and his development of the Sentinels being the driving force in an extermination event.

Ingeniously played by Peter Dinklage - whose stature is never even remotely suggested as a motivation - the genius isn't a mad scientist in the usual terms. He's more like a pragmatic man, aware that his species inferiority could lead to them being replaced as the dominant species. He's a survivalist, but combine that with a deep-seated belief that mutants are sub-human - driving his experiments - and you have the make-up of a truly great villain.

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