Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

4. X-24

Logan X24 Wolverine

Appeared In: Logan

Look, nobody should pretend that the reveal that Zander Rice created a second clone of Wolverine as well as X-23 isn't almost as silly as the Weapon XI nonsense in X-Men Origins, but it works and the escalation in the third act serves the movie well. He's also the catalyst for the saddest damn moment in the entire franchise when he kills Professor X. The dick.

Thanks to some impressive CGI de-ageing of Hugh Jackman - combined with a stand-in - we got the always-popular sight of seeing a character fight another, harder version of themselves. In comic book movie circles, that's basically the holy grail of fan service moments.

Made of pure rage, X-24 is actually pretty subtle thanks to a child-like innocence that comes with his animalism. He's completely in awe of his "father" Rice and lacks all of Logan's individualism and spirit, which is ultimately why he's defeated. He's basically a clever take on Frankenstein's monster and while he's not actually on screen that much, he's incredible while he lasts.

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