Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

3. Victor Creed

Liev Schreiber Sabretooth X-Men Origins: Wolverine
20th Century Fox

Appeared In: X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

You really have to admire the fact that Liev Schreiber managed to commit one of the best ever comic book movie villain performances to screen in one of the most widely hated, widely derided movies of all time.

In Origins, the key to Wolverine is establishing that he's haunted by the past and by trauma that he cannot really explain in Schreiber's Victor Creed - his brother of all people - we get a real insight into the driving force behind that.

His Victor Creed is everything you'd want of him and far better than the original X-Men movie version. He's more cerebral, he's perversely charismatic and he's way more of a genuine threat than his pointy finger nails might have you believe. You really get a sense of the animal in him and it's a real shame that this was the only place we ever got to see him.

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