Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

24. Ajax (& Angel Dust)

Deadpool Ed Skrein Ajax
20th Century Fox

Appeared In: Deadpool

Let's be perfectly honest here, Deadpool was a vehicle for Ryan Reynolds to prove to everyone that he was actually capable of giving the world the Deadpool performance he'd been hired for years beforehand. You know, before Fox lied to him and changed the character entirely. As a result, all of the other characters in the movie play a distant second fiddle to him.

Primary bad guys Ajax and Angel Dust basically just exist for Deadpool to fight against. They're agents of a nefarious programme, one with a smart mouth and the other with fists of steel, but beyond that, their characterisation is mostly entirely absent.

They do well enough making you vaguely annoyed at them, but the material isn't really there for them. You can pretty much throw recruiter Agent Smith into this pile as well. If you even remember him.

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