Everything You Always Hated In X-Men

12. The Car Crash Continuity Error

X Men Cyclops Yellow Spandex

There are nitpick continuity errors, and then there are mistakes so blindly, distractingly obvious that they deserve to be called out.

Case in point, after Wolverine crashes his car into a tree while Sabretooth attacks, the first shot of the crash (pictured below) shows the front of the truck being totally crushed.

The windshield is shattered and squashed by the impact, yet in the next shot the truck looks in considerably better condition, with the windshield basically in tact, providing enough of an opening for Wolverine to be launched through it due to not wearing a seatbelt.

Obviously in reality the crushed front of the car would've prevented Logan from being propelled through the windshield, but the power of editing is such that popcorn-gobbling audiences never noticed it.

In the era of streaming and 4K video where every imperfection can be pored over ad nauseum, though, it's a glaring mistake.

X-Men 2000

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.