Everything You Always Hated In X-Men

13. Wolverine Can't Smell Rogue

X Men Cyclops Yellow Spandex

It's easy to forget that Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) has an enhanced sense of smell: it's a power that's used so infrequently throughout these movies, yet he uses it twice in the original X-Men film.

First, he's able to smell Sabretooth (Tyler Mane) before he shows up, and then near the end of the movie he uses the ability to detect when Mystique (Rebecca Romijn) poses as Storm (Halle Berry) inside the Statue of Liberty.

And yet, for some reason Logan is unable to smell Rogue when she sneaks into the trailer of his car early on in Alberta. He only notices her when she makes some noise, which seems like an odd oversight.

A nitpick? Perhaps, but the consistency of powers is massively important in superhero movies, even when it's an ability as benign as a super sense of smell.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.