Evil Dead: 10 Grooviest Franchise Moments So Far

7. Linda's Corpse Starts Dancing

Bruce Campbell Evil Dead
Rosebud Releasing

Evil Dead II is a lot less serious than the first one, and in many ways it's a superior film, showcasing a flawless mix of shocks, gore and slapstick humor. That's the case very early on, and the movie wastes no time topping the lunacy of its predecessor.

In the first few minutes, Ash decapitates his girlfriend Linda, and this is when you'll first start asking, "What the hell am I watching?" He swings the shovel at her, and her head rolls directly towards the camera with a goofy smile on its face.

We're as shocked as we are tickled.

That's not all, because a mere ten minutes later, Linda rises from the grave and immediately starts dancing around. Huh? Now we're watching a headless, reanimated corpse do a funny dance for no real reason other than to mess with Ash and the audience.

She leans over and the head rolls right back and reattaches itself, and it's all animated with stop motion so that she moves around like Jack Skeleton. Linda keeps on dancing until she abruptly flies off camera! Apparently she can fly now.

How can you not laugh at all this? It's such a ridiculous scene, but it's clear that Raimi is in on the joke, and he establishes right away that you shouldn't be taking any of this too seriously.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.