Evil Dead: 10 Grooviest Franchise Moments So Far
4. It's A Trick. Get An Axe.
Like enemies in a video game, the Deadites appear to use the exact same moves over and over. They always do the trick of making you think your friend has turned back, and of course there's the classic gag where they pretend they're dead only to suddenly strike. Ash has witnessed that happen twice already by Army of Darkness, and so finally he's able to stop it this time.
In this scene, one of the Deadites rises up into the air and threatens to feast on everyone's soul, only to suddenly collapse in the corner. One of the men starts walking over to investigate, and only the audience can see that the old woman is still alive.
Just when we assume he's a goner, Ash grabs the guy's hand and declares, "It's a trick. Get an axe." Hey, he actually did something smart and learned from his mistakes! It's about time.
The Deadite rises up, presumably really mad that Ash spoiled her awesome surprise, and then we're treated to a phenomenal shotgun battle that culminates in Ash shooting the witch while she's behind him. He's so ridiculously casual about it.
The wise man starts talking to Ash about the Necronimican seconds later, but you'd think he'd first comment on how freaking cool that whole thing was.