Exact Moment Every Character Knew Peter Parker Was Spider-Man

13. The Amazing Spider-Man - Peter Parker

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Bathroom Scene
Columbia Pictures

Much like Tobey Maguire's iteration of the character, Andrew Garfield's 'Amazing' Spider-Man similarly had his own memorable moment of realisation at certain changes that had happened to him.

Post-radioactive spider bite, this version of Peter smashes his alarm clock, explodes a tube of toothpaste, breaks a tap, destroys his shower, and then gets some paper stuck to the bottom of his foot.

12. The Amazing Spider-Man - Gwen Stacy

The Amazing Spider-Man Gwen Stacy Emma Stone
Columbia Pictures

Rather than like Mary Jane in Sam Raimi's trilogy of pictures, Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy was outright purposely told of Peter's other life by the man himself. Well, shown, for Andrew Garfield's Web-head couldn't quite find the words to tell his beau his secret, and so instead showcased his webbing.

From there, the pair would share a rooftop kiss before Parker took off to answer the calls of plentiful police sirens.

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Senior Writer

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