Fantastic Four Reboot: 10 Ways To Guarantee It Won't Suck

8. Get Max Landis To Write It

The guy's a genius, okay? No, really, he is. He has the right kind-of brain to make the Fantastic Four work, he'd get the weirdness and awesome elements right and create something truly awesome. Plus, he's already got an idea for it which sounds awesome. Fox, however, have picked Seth Grahame-Smith to do the script and, whilst, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was kind-of alright, I just don't think he'll pick the right tone for this film. Max Landis has already proven he can do superheroes with Chronicle, so why is he not the obvious choice? He's sold tens of scripts to Hollywood already, and his Frankenstein re-imagining is already filming right now with Daniel Radcliffe starring. So Hollywood must see something in the kid, right? We'd love him to board the reboot, but apparently Fox have got him working on an edgy family adventure produced by the producer of Wedding Crashers. So, you know, that's something to look forward to...

3rd Year Film and Television Production student at Edge Hill University. Writer of "Stockton's Last Stand" and screenwriter/director of "Hunted" and "Spyfail 2: The Search for Spyfail 1". I also do stand-up comedy sometimes... I'm told I'm marginally funny.