Fantastic Four Reboot Movie: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

6. It'll Modernise The Team

A 616 (that's mainstream) Fantastic Four movie just wouldn't be what we've come to expect from a superhero film, even if it was excellently transferred from the page to the screen, because the Fantastic Four work best when all of their sci-fi origins are embraced. A science-fiction film, perhaps set during the Space Race, would have a better chance of accommodating Reed's superior intelligence and recent storylines like the Future Foundation and the Council of Reeds, but that's not what we're getting. Fox is making a comic book movie in the mould of those which have come before it in the hope of matching the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it's not going to pull out all the stops with a franchise which has already failed once. Casting younger actors who don't resemble the familiar faces of the comics is better than shoehorning the traits of the 616 heroes into a film which doesn't want to use all of their history. It'd be like a square peg in a round hole, and that's the worst way to adapt any beloved story to the screen.

Grace Murray hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.