Fast & Furious 8: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

8. Mr Nobody

Mr Nobody Fast & Furious
Universal Pictures

Kurt Russell's Mr Nobody exists in this movie solely to bust balls. He busts Hobbs' balls as well as getting him out of prison (despite the fact that you know for a FACT that he could have got him off with the Berlin charges without him having to admit to his crimes), he busts Little Nobody's balls, he busts the rest of the team's balls.

He's not so much a grand, over-seeing shady government guy, he's more a quirky, annoying uncle who pops up, drops ridiculous philosophy about "the rules of the game" and vaguely pretends to be fixing things. The mystery of who he is and who he works for is still a lot of fun (including the reveal of his new base Nowhere), but he feels a little blunted in this film, and it would be nice if he was set up more as a sot of dark anti-hero rather than a patriarch.

Which is problematic when it turns out he was invited to Dom's barbecue at the end of the film.

In short, the performance is good, the material a little less, but Russell is still very funny and Mr Nobody is still a welcome part of the team even when his dynamic is a little confusing.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.