Fast & Furious 9: 20 WTF Moments

6. Plot Twist! Jakob Didn't Kill Dom's Dad

Fast and Furious 9 Ludacris Tyrese

A flashback reveals the reason that Dom and Jakob became estranged in the first place - Dom suspects that his younger brother played a part in their father's death, and ran him out of town by beating him in a race.

But as isn't a hugely surprising "plot twist," Jakob reveals late in the story that he didn't intentionally kill their dad.

Instead, their father was under financial strain and plotted to throw the race, with Jakob assisting him by tampering with his car, with the understanding that he keep it a secret from Dom. The resulting explosion was a total accident.

Obviously this all could've been sorted out with a conversation back in the day, but that's not how movies are made.

Still, anyone who's seen a Fast and Furious movie or two knows that nobody, no matter how villainous they might seem, is beyond a convoluted redemption arc.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.