Finding Dory Trailer Breakdown: 10 New Things We Learned


It wouldn't be Pixar without a good "this thing that we view as totally normal is actually a massive deal to another group of things" moment, and for Finding Dory that appears to be the idea of a fish petting zoo - the grubby mitts of children coming in, poking, prodding and grabbing fish is treated like an attack, personified with the god-fearing "HANDS!" So clearly at some point Dory will wind up in an aquarium, allowing for a dissection of another part of fish culture (the first film hit most of the key ocean beats, along with the idea of conventional pets). Hopefully it doesn't skirt too close to the same ideas behind Darla in the original (although some reference to her or her dentist uncle wouldn't go amiss).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.