Friday The 13th: 10 Funniest Jason Voorhees Kills

8. The Party Horn Kill

Kate Pataki is introduced in The New Blood as one of Michael's friends, and as the girlfriend to Ben, though the two are shown to be having some relationship problems when the movie kicks off.

The pair attempt to resolve their differences with the always smart decision of sleeping together again, hitching up in the back of a van where Kate begins to hear noises coming from outside. Ben is killed by Jason when he goes to investigate in a standard neck snap, but it is when Kate also begins to investigate that things take a turn for the comedic.

Sticking her head out of the passenger side window, Kate is grabbed by Jason and, using a party horn that Ben had on him, impales her right in the eye. The comedic sound effect used for the party horn being lodged in Kate's eye is a nice touch, and the final shot of her lifeless body with a light green horn sticking out of her face is both horrifying and funny.

This was sadly one of the movie's kills that was cut down in post-production to avoid an X rating, with the original version featuring far more blood and an even longer zoom in on Kate's corpse post-horn impalement.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.