Ghostbusters: 11 Things That Must Happen In The Sequel

8. Chris Hemsworth Returns

Ghostbusters Reboot 2
Sony Pictures

One of the new movie's most-praised assets is Chris Hemsworth, who plays idiotic receptionist Kevin, in what is clearly a clever subversion of the stereotypically ditzy female secretary who has appeared in so many movies over the years.

Hemsworth pretty much runs away with the movie any time he's on screen, his material and delivery soaring above that afforded to the central quartet, such that he's a big reason why the movie works as well as it does.

Hopefully Sony have the good sense to scoop Hemsworth up for more movies and don't let him slip through their fingers, because if anything, he needs a bigger role in the next film, and could perhaps even become a legit, honourary Ghostbuster for a little while.

If scheduling conflicts or financial squabbles prevent him from coming back, then it'll be much harder to be enthusiastic about the sequel.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.