Glass Reviews: 12 Early Reactions You Need To See

1. The Ending Is Disappointing

Glass Movie
"And it all ends with… no spoilers, an unsatisfying wrap-up that actively lessens the re-watchability of the movies that came before it. It can’t even cash the check it attempts to write." - Forbes
"A series of twists and a tonally baffling epilogue have pushed Glass from middling Shyamalan territory close to the lows of The Happening and The Last Airbender." - Screen Crush
"I can also confidently predict that the ending is going to piss more than a few people off. In the moment, a good portion of it pissed me off." - Collider

Another depressingly consistent sentiment across reviews is that the film ends on a wildly disappointing whimper, and some even went as far as to say that it retroactively makes Unbreakable worse. Wow.

Several critics outlined Glass to be a heavily divisive film, and it seems like the main sticking point will be not only the avalanche of plot twists but also how it all wraps up.

Whether Shyamalan leaves the door open for more movies or firmly closes the lid on this universe, it doesn't sound like there's much enthusiasm to go around.

What do you make of the mixed early response to Glass? Still going to see it? Shout it out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.