Godzilla: 10 Most WTF Moments

2. Godzilla Flies (Godzilla Vs. Hedorah)

By far the most environmentally conscious film in the series, Godzilla vs. Hedorah pits Godzilla against an alien life form that feeds and grows on pollution, and it has enough weird moments to comprise its own list. Melting flesh, drug induced hallucinations, and animated shorts are just some of the strange things you can expect from this entertainingly bizarre Godzilla film. However, the most infamous moment without a doubt comes near the end of the battle between Godzilla and Hedorah. Hedorah takes off flying in a last ditch effort to escape, and in response Godzilla sticks out his arms and uses his atomic breath to levitate himself off the ground and fly! As evident with this list, Godzilla has down some crazy things during his career, but this takes the cake for the most unexpectedly off the wall insane. Once again, Godzilla suddenly breaks out an ability to use for one time only, despite its practicality. As practical as it may be, however, it's just plain stupid. It makes no sense in every conceivable way. It looks incredibly dumb and the music that accompanies the scene only makes it goofier. It's actually hard to adequately describe how WTF this moment is without going in circles about its random nonsensical nature. So notoriously bad is this moment that it continues to overshadow what is actually a pretty decent Godzilla flick. It signaled the beginning of Godzilla's descent into extreme camp, yet no singular WTF moment before or after would ever trump the time Godzilla flew. There's been nothing quite like it since. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E284IfUyssc
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.