Godzilla First Teaser Trailer: 6 Things We Learned

6. A Little About Each Of The Main Characters

Although, given that it's only a trailer, there is no character development at all, we do learn a little bit about the characters that the four main actors and actresses will be playing. Aaron Taylor-Johnson is a member of the halo squad that jumps from an aeroplane in to the destroyed city of San Francisco. The look in his eye would suggest that he is one of the characters referred to as being without "hands-on experience" (though even the most hardened veteran soldiers would be terrified by the events taking place in this movie). I think it's safe to assume that he will be either a rookie soldier or a volunteer with no prior experience in a war-zone of any kind - but will probably end up saving the day. Elizabeth Olsen appears to be a doctor of some description, going by the uniform she is wearing and the apparent caring nature of her character as she clutches a terrified young boy in her arms. Bryan Cranston appears to work in some kind of underground scientific research facility and, judging by the fact that he is wearing a suit rather than the white coats that his fellow staff members seem to be wearing, he looks to hold a position of authority rather than being a mere researcher. Ken Watanabe is only seen very briefly and he is wearing a radiation suit of some description, suggesting that he is either a scientific researcher of some description, or that he is a soldier who has been sent in to a radioactive area on a mission. I'm sure we'll find out more about these characters and other characters in the coming weeks, as the viral marketing campaign continues and further trailers are released, but that's about all we know about them for the time being.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.