Godzilla Vs. Kong Trailer: 10 Things To Get Excited About

6. The Cinematography

Godzilla vs. Kong
Warner Bros.

Whatever your opinions of the MonsterVerse so far, the camerawork and aesthetics of the franchise have undoubtedly proved to be among its strongest elements. And happily, that seems to have been continued in Godzilla vs. Kong. From wide shots of the two slugging it out, to neon-saturated shots of nighttime Hong Kong, the new film has just as much eye candy as all the previous entries in the franchise.

The film's director of photography is Ben Seresin, a man with a history of shooting high-profile blockbusters. His previous credits include World War Z (2013) and Unstoppable (2010), as well as uncredited work on X-Men: First Class (2011). Seresin is exactly the kind of experienced, capable DOP that Godzilla vs. Kong needs to get its visual elements spot on. And the early signs are incredibly promising.

The film will of course need a lot more than surface-level detail to be the memorable and sensational action adventure we all want. That being said, there's no point having a massive monster mash if you can't make it look good. And Godzilla vs. Kong looks set to continue the MonsterVerse's tradition of eye-popping visuals, with the best shots surely held in reserve.


I write regularly about all things pop culture, and am an individually approved critic on Rotten Tomatoes. I am the Film News Editor for FILMHOUNDS Magazine and a Senior Writer for Starburst Magazine UK. My other credits include bylines in The Guardian, The Quietus and The Indiependent.