Godzilla Vs. Kong Trailer: 10 Things To Get Excited About

5. Monarch Has Failed

Godzilla vs. Kong

Exactly why Godzilla is on the rampage seems to have the shady heads of Monarch scratching their heads. Their one job is to monitor, research, and if necessary contain the titans - something that seems to have eluded them up to this point. Monarch's role and purpose was under close scrutiny in the last film, and the pressure will surely rise if they can't keep their prized beast under control.

A brief trailer shot of newspaper clippings tells you just how big the issue is. Monarch are obviously at a loss when it comes to explaining what has Godzilla so triggered. Such is the drama that another headline shows that the UN has opted to veto Godzilla (not that he'll care very much). With such confusion, a little of them "let them fight" tactic might be in order.

Other things to note from this shot include a report on an apparent nuclear cover-up, and a map of Godzilla's attacks to date. There is also a partially obscured headline stating that Antarctica - King Ghidorah's old hibernation den - is a no-go zone. Whatever Monarch's failings are, they sound like they will have far-reaching consequences... of the gorilla-fights-lizard variety.


I write regularly about all things pop culture, and am an individually approved critic on Rotten Tomatoes. I am the Film News Editor for FILMHOUNDS Magazine and a Senior Writer for Starburst Magazine UK. My other credits include bylines in The Guardian, The Quietus and The Indiependent.