Golden Globes 2019: 8 Ups & 7 Downs

2. Dick Van Dyke Has Better Eyesight Than Emily Blunt

Golden Globes 2019 Emily Blunt Dick Van Dyke

Emily Blunt came to the stage to introduce a clip of Mary Poppins Returns, and brought with her a surprise guest - the 93-year-old Dick van Dyke.

The effortlessly charming legend made an hilarious crack about himself and Carol Burnett being the dinosaurs of the ceremony before impressing Blunt with his slick reading of the teleprompter.

Proving the robustness of his genetics, his eyesight still seemed in tip-top shape while Blunt had to summon a pair of reading glasses in order to make sense of the auto-cue.

And to be clear, the 35-year-old Blunt is almost six decades younger than her Mary Poppins Returns co-star. Keep on keeping on, Dick.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.