Gone Girl: 8 Easter Eggs & References You Might Have Missed
8. Coffee
It's well known that Fight Club has a lot more to offer in its mise-en-scène than you'd expect; the opening half an hour features multiple split-second flashes of Tyler Durden prior to his introduction and at points the film makes reference to the fact it is on literal film reel. One of the more obsessive elements of Fincher's cult classic is that in every scene there's a Starbucks coffee cup in every scene. Every. Single. Scene. Part of the film's commentary on our consumer-oriented lifestyle, Fincher sneaks in some reference to this into Gone Girl; Detective Rhonda Boney is always seen with an (unbranded) coffee in hand. It'd be easy to chalk this up as a nod from the director to his previous work, but David Fincher isn't one for out-and-out sentimentality - there must be something more to it. The constant presence of it suggests that things haven't changed since he first made the point in 1999, although the fact the type of cup varies suggests market saturation, something that links to the media coverage element.