Gone Girl Review: 10 Reasons It's Awesome

6. It's Going To Make Couples Very Uncomfortable

Ben Affleck has said of Gone Girl that it's "an awful date movie", and Flynn herself has joked that the movie would be causing couples to break up, but all jokes aside, there is a very provocative component of the movie that's going to play very awkwardly with a lot of couples. For the happy, well-adjusted couples seeing the movie, it's no problem, but for those who might be having doubts or have suffered through a rocky patch, this movie's commentary on the nature of marriage is going to raise some uncomfortable questions. Numerous jokes throughout the movie mock the institution of marriage as a chore, as something to be pained and anguished through, and with its depiction of two individuals attempting to project an image of happiness that just doesn't exist, the film is undeniably going to hit home with some people. Though the movie ultimately elevates this to a whole other level, its insightful social commentary cannot be denied, and there's going to be some interesting conversations (or silences) in the car ride home for a lot of couples.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.