Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 Cameos We Want to See

9. Jack Flag

Jack Flag hates cosmic stuff. He REALLY hates it. Naturally, there's no better place for him than Guardians of the Galaxy! Like Bug, Jack Flag joined the 2008 Guardians in their second story arc. Peter Quill found him in the Negative Zone, a bromance was formed and the rest was history. Flag's chances of making it as a featured character at any point in the franchise may be slim, but he would be great as a small-time bit player. A guy who hates cosmic stuff with a passion is the best possible verbal sparring partner for Bradley Cooper's Rocket Raccoon vocals. In a movie that is clearly going to rely on making the audience laugh, Flag would work well in achieving that aim. He would also be a character the audience could relate to by calling out some of the ridiculousness they are seeing and giving them a chance to laugh with him.

Sean Gerber is the founder and editor-in-chief of