Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 Glaring Flaws Everybody Just Ignored

2. The Connection Between The Guardians Feels "Forced"

You can understand how a problem like this might arise, but the filmmakers could have found a way to remedy it had they not been so keen to bring the Guardians together so quickly. Which is to say that, ultimately, at the point when our heroes decide to come together - and "die together" - it just doesn't feel appropriate. They haven't known one another long enough to actually convince us that it makes sense. So at the climatic point in the movie at which Peter Quill suggests everyone teams-up, the responses feel oddly out of place: we don't buy the connection between the characters at this time, so when they each - one by one - agree to change their entire personalities to forge a friendship after a few days, it doesn't feel earned; we simply can't buy into the idea of their sudden eternal bond because the groundwork is missing.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.