Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 Glaring Flaws Everybody Just Ignored

3. The CGI Characters Upstage The Human Ones

Some people might not consider this to be an entirely negative trait, but it's hard to justify any good reason why a character made completely out of computer-generated imagery should upstage the other, actually human characters for the sum of an entire movie. Even when Lord of the Rings had Gollum, he didn't steal the movie out fully from the likes of Gandalf, Aragorn and Sam; we still felt connected to those characters. Unfortunately for Guardians of the Galaxy - and against all odds and expectations - it's Rocket Racoon and - to a lesser extent - his buddy Groot who steal the show. When the movie's over, the other characters mostly vanish from your memory banks, whilst Rocket and Groot both linger on. Again, it's impressive that these characters feel so real to us, but they do so at the extent of their less interesting human companions.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.