Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 Marvel Cameos We Need To Happen (And How)

2. Loki

All of which Asgardian references lead us to our favourite cackling megalomaniac with daddy issues, Loki. We've already seen Sif and Volstagg travel to The Collector's world to lend him the Aether for safekeeping in the end credits sequence of the last Thor movie. The Collector is a featured part of the Guardians Of The Galaxy movie. Could we see a short cameo from the Asgardian prince of mischief himself? The end of Thor: The Dark World saw Loki faking his own death to take Odin€™s form and therefore the throne. Loki was the leader of Thanos€™ vanguard in the Chitauri invasion of Earth depicted in The Avengers, and (as seen in the first Thor movie) Odin€™s vault happens to contain the Infinity Gauntlet, the unifying device that will allow Thanos to wield all six Infinity Gems. What€™s more, the Tesseract was taken to Asgard €“ for safekeeping €“ at the end of The Avengers. It€™s no great stretch of the imagination to believe that Loki is still attempting to make good his promise to Thanos to obtain the Tesseract. After all, he was told that his failure would mean his life, and anyone who knows Loki knows that, as slippery as he is, he treasures his skin more than anything. A sneaky cameo appearance in Guardians Of The Galaxy handing over both the Tesseract and the Infinity Gauntlet to Thanos isn€™t just possible, it€™s actually probable.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.